Why Entrepreneurs and Executives Microdose Psilocybin?

- by Peggy Van de Plassche, The Microdose Diet


  • Peggy Van de Plassche, with 20 years in finance and tech, now focuses on psychedelic-powered development, founding The Microdose Diet and The Brain Power Microdose.

  • Microdosing psilocybin can enhance creativity, reduce stress, improve emotional well-being, and boost energy, benefiting professionals personally and professionally.

  • Her book and course on microdosing for success, passion, and happiness were released in May 2024, with significant public engagement.

Microdosing psilocybin is a practice that has gained popularity in recent years, with many individuals from various backgrounds and professions experimenting with it. Microdosing involves taking very small, sub-perceptual doses of psilocybin, the psychoactive compound found in certain mushrooms. As a general rule, people who engage in microdosing often do so for various reasons, including enhancing mood, creativity, focus, and overall well-being. Some also use microdosing to help with conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

For business professionals, there are many rationales specific to their career path that may influence them to experiment with microdosing. They might be looking for benefits that will make them more performant, less stressed, and overall more successful.

Let’s look at what you could expect in your professional and personal lives when you microdose!

At the end of the day, the ultimate intention when one starts microdosing psilocybin is to find more personal and professional success. The definition of personal and professional success will be specific to each individual, but it will go through similar pathways: brain, body, emotions, and energy.

When entrepreneurs and executives consider microdosing psilocybin, the main focus might be on professional achievements, but it is highly likely that their entire life will benefit from the process. From better relationships with family and friends to improved mental health and greater athletic performance, the benefits of microdosing psilocybin won’t stop at the door of your office.

Rewire Your Brain

Enhanced creativity and problem-solving are among the primary reasons some entrepreneurs and executives decide to microdose. By thinking more innovatively and finding novel solutions to business challenges, they now have access to a wider range of options to grow their organization (and grow in their organization!). Microdosing can help unlock creative potential, allowing professionals to approach problems from new angles and develop unique strategies that set them apart in their industries.

Calm Your Body

The high-pressure environments that many entrepreneurs and executives operate in can lead to significant stress and burnout. By reducing stress and anxiety and managing work-related pressure more effectively, microdosing psilocybin helps them navigate daily challenges more calmly and successfully. Lower stress levels can result in better decision-making, increased resilience, and a more positive outlook on work and life.

Master Your Emotions

Microdosing psilocybin contributes to improved emotional well-being by reducing symptoms of depression, PTSD, and anxiety. This is particularly valuable in high-stress professional settings that tend to contribute greatly to emotional distress. Emotional stability can lead to better relationships with colleagues, improved leadership abilities, and a more harmonious work environment.

Raise Your Energy

Microdosing is associated with increased focus, energy, and productivity. This is appealing to professionals looking to optimize their work performance…and who wouldn’t want to have more energy and better performance?! Doing more in less time is definitely an appealing value proposition, in and out of the office!!

Find Professional and Personal Success

In addition to the mental, physical, emotional, and energetic gains presented above, there is even more that professionals can benefit from by microdosing psilocybin.

1. Personal Growth and Leadership Development

Some see microdosing as a means to foster personal growth, develop leadership skills, and gain insights into their own behavior and decision-making. By “knowing thyself” better, microdosers can create space to take a step back and make better choices. Enhanced self-awareness can lead to more effective leadership, improved team dynamics, and a stronger organizational culture.

2. Innovation and Competitive Advantage

In highly competitive industries, some believe that exploring unconventional methods, including microdosing, can provide a competitive advantage by fostering a culture of innovation. In the tech and VC industries, psychedelics have been seen as an edge for years. An excellent article from the WSJ, “Magic Mushrooms. LSD. Ketamine. The Drugs That Power Silicon Valley,” points exactly to that dynamic. Steve Jobs' famous comment about Bill Gates, “He'd be a broader guy if he had dropped acid,” gives also a good perspective on the benefits Silicon Valley sees in psychedelics… as well as the expectations (rightfully or not) that actors in the tech and VC ecosystems participate in the psychedelics revolution.

While microdosing psilocybin has its proponents and reports of positive effects, the practice is not (yet!) universally accepted.

If you choose to microdose, do your research first, microdose mindfully with quality products, and always have an intention. By approaching microdosing with awareness and a clear purpose, entrepreneurs and executives can potentially unlock new levels of personal and professional success.

Peggy Van de Plassche spent 20 years in the financial services and technology industries as an executive, venture capitalist, board member, advisor, entrepreneur and public speaker. Peggy now focuses her time and energy on psychedelic-powered professional and personal development. She is the founder of The Microdose Diet and The Brain Power Microdose. Her book, MORE! The Microdose Diet – The 90 day plan for More Success, Passion, and Happiness and her online course have been released in May 2024. An experienced public speaker, she participated in more than 50 global events. Peggy’s latest speaking engagement on “Microdosing for More Success, Passion and Happiness” has generated tremendous engagement.


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Peggy Van de Plassche

Peggy spent 20 years in the financial services and technology industries as an executive, venture capitalist, board member, advisor, entrepreneur and public speaker. Peggy now focuses her time and energy on psychedelic-powered professional and personal development. She is the founder of The Microdose Diet and The Brain Power Microdose


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