Key Components For A Modern IR Plan

Considering both a changing capital markets environment and a more dynamic investor engagement practice landscape, a modern IR Plan will not only ensure that all available IR resources are maximized, but it will also deliver further value through the use of modern IR tactics.

With an IR Plan in place, IR activity implementation against the plan is easier to measure, but the IR plan also provides a basis from which to adjust resources and tactics as necessary through-out the year. It also allows the company to build upon past experiences with vendors or at investor conferences, to better build future IR plans.

What are strategic IR Objectives? 

An IR Plan begins with setting 3-5 strategic IR Objectives, which are based on the broader corporate strategy and assessment of the environment. Once the strategic IR Objectives are set, actions or deliverables for fulfilling these need to be selected, ideally from a list of both traditional and modern-day tactics and deliverables.

While fulfilling all possible IR Objectives would be very desirable for any issuer, only a few may in fact be strategic priorities based on the direction or evolution of the issuer. Success is more likely achievable when IR Objectives are also determined in consideration of various internal and external factors. 

To Learn More: Download Lab Notes | Volume 2

The Modern IR Plan & Tactics

The modern IR Plan flows out of the IR Objectives. The tactics (with also clear deliverables) within the modern IR Plan are the activities that will achieve the strategic IR Objectives, and will include one-time, repeating, on-going and ideally some modern-day tactics.

Learn more about the Modern IR Plan -

  • Measurement and Success

  • Key Benefits 

  • Tactics to Drive Awareness

  • Examples of Objectives and Tactics

Click To Download - Key Components For A Modern IR Plan

Read more about irlabs’ co-founders, Alyssa Barry and Caroline Sawamoto, here.


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