Women in Tech: Gale Wilkinson


  • Gale Wilkinson's VITALIZE Angels promotes diversity in VC, focusing on underrepresented founders with 450+ members.

  • Over 70% of VITALIZE Angels' members are underrepresented, highlighting business and wealth benefits.

  • Despite growth in women-led funds, they remain undercapitalized; Gale urges women to invest actively to reshape the VC landscape and address undercapitalization.

Gale Wilkinson, a stalwart in the venture capital landscape for over a decade, is on a mission to revolutionize the industry by championing diversity and inclusion. As the visionary behind VITALIZE Angels, Gale has launched a fund investing at the seed stage and an angel network focused on the pre-seed stage. With over 450 members, including a new cohort of 10 to 20 monthly, VITALIZE Angels aims to democratize access to venture capital, particularly for underrepresented founders.

Read more about how Gale Wilkinson is making a difference.

Gale's commitment to diversity goes beyond rhetoric, with 70 percent underrepresentation in the group, including women, people of color, and LGBTQ+. Recognizing the widening gap in funding for underrepresented founders, Gale advocates for disrupting the existing system and redirecting capital to new pockets. Her vision extends beyond it being a moral imperative; Gale underscores the undeniable business advantages and wealth generation opportunities inherent in diversifying the VC landscape.

Despite the rise in women-led funds, Gale sheds light on the persisting challenges—they are often small and undercapitalized. She emphasizes the need for women to become active angels and limited partners, urging them to open their wallets and embrace the power they possess in reshaping the investment landscape. Gale's call to action extends to accredited women, encouraging them to invest in small funds or engage in direct deals as part of an angel group. Her dynamic approach underscores the immense potential for wealth creation and transformative impact when diversity takes center stage in the venture capital arena.


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