Navigating Data Overload for Smarter Decision-Making

- With Viewpoint AI


  • Viewpoint AI simplifies decision-making by synthesizing scattered data and incorporating human insights, ensuring more reliable and informed choices.

  • Targeting high-stakes sectors like investment, the platform improves collaboration, reduces data overload, and speeds up consensus-building.

  • Founded by Kurt Pichler in 2021, the Vancouver-based startup aims to improve decision-making across various industries with its AI-driven solution.

Every business decision involves trade-offs, and our tool helps teams navigate these complexities effectively.
— Kurt Pichler, CEO

In a world overwhelmed by data, where crucial insights often get lost in the shuffle, Viewpoint AI offers a fresh solution to streamline and enhance decision-making, bringing clarity and confidence to even the most complex choices. The brainchild of CEO and founder Kurt Pichler, Viewpoint AI emerged from a personal quest to make better decisions. "I've always been interested in understanding myself and the world better," says Pichler. "We have these biases that interrupt clear thinking, and I wanted a systematic way of capturing and reusing valuable insights."

Viewpoint AI aims to do just that by addressing the common challenges teams face when making decisions. “Teams are often overwhelmed by data overload and suffer from inefficient collaboration," Pichler explains. "There are too many pieces of information scattered across various platforms—emails, documents, cloud drives—and often, critical insights are lost or forgotten.” Viewpoint AI’s technology aggregates these scattered data points and synthesizes them into actionable insights, ensuring that nothing is missed.

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But it goes beyond just data collection. "We specialize in capturing human opinion," Pichler notes. "Data is everywhere, but the human context—why a certain piece of data is valuable, when, and how to use it—is often missing. Our platform integrates that human perspective into decision-making processes." This combination of data and human insight, he says, is key to making more reliable and repeatable decisions.

Currently, Viewpoint AI is focusing on high-stakes decisions, such as those in investment and due diligence. "We are directing our platform towards these areas because they involve high-value decisions with significant impacts," says Pichler. The goal is to help teams reach consensus faster while maintaining quality and confidence in their decisions. “A lot of times, companies avoid consensus because it’s seen as impossible or too time-consuming. Our platform shows it doesn’t have to be that way.”

Founded in 2021 and based in Vancouver, Viewpoint AI is currently in the early revenue stage and raising funds to scale further. "We believe our platform can add value to any area where humans make decisions," Pichler says. "From hiring and procurement to supply chain management, the applications are endless. Every business decision involves trade-offs, and our tool helps teams navigate these complexities effectively."

With a background in international business and a passion for understanding human behaviour, Pichler’s vision is rooted in a belief in collaboration and diversity. "That’s how we gain value for society and business—by understanding different perspectives and finding common ground."


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Mariam Ibrahim

Mariam Ibrahim is a writer, editor and communications professional currently based in Seoul. She currently serves as Managing Editor of Disruption.


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