Building Connection: From The Publisher, Joanne Fedeyko


  • The latest issue of Disruption focuses on “AI for Good,” showcasing AI’s transformative impact in healthcare, climate change, education, and more. AI is increasingly integrated into daily life, driving positive change across industries.

  • Leaders and companies are embracing AI to tackle global challenges, but responsible development is crucial. The issue encourages bold, creative engagement with AI to harness its full potential for shaping a better, more equitable future.

Our latest issue of Disruption dives into one of the most powerful tools of our time: artificial intelligence. As we explore the theme “AI for Good,” it's clear that AI is no longer a distant concept or a niche technology—it’s becoming woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. From improving decision-making processes to fortifying cybersecurity, AI is driving positive change across industries. It’s time to embrace AI, not fear it, and understand how it can be harnessed to make a meaningful impact.

AI is already doing incredible things for good. Consider how it's being used in healthcare, where AI algorithms can detect diseases like cancer at earlier stages than ever before, saving lives through early intervention. In the fight against climate change, AI models are predicting deforestation patterns, allowing conservationists to act before it's too late. And in education, AI tools are helping to create personalized learning experiences, giving students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to learn at their own pace and style.

However, there is still much work to be done. AI is developing at a breakneck pace, and we need to make sure we're keeping up. This isn't just a matter of following trends; it's about actively shaping the future. We can't afford to sit back and wait for someone else to get it right—we must tackle the challenges head-on.

Leaders like Sean Stephens of Treefrog are already taking the leap, guiding businesses on how to incorporate AI without fear. Mitacs is stepping up as a partner, helping businesses navigate this rapidly changing landscape. And inspiring figures like Shiva Amiri at Pivotal Life Sciences are proving that AI can have a profound impact on health outcomes, while Beena Ammanath argues that AI can increase diversity and equity, challenging us to think differently about technology’s potential.

We’re also featuring experts like Peter Swain, who is helping businesses unlock the full potential of AI with creative, practical applications that drive real-world results, and showcasing bold initiatives like Edmonton Airport’s use of drone technology. Companies like Wisr AI are demonstrating how AI can protect against cybersecurity threats, while Viewpoint AI is helping businesses leverage data for better decision-making. Startup Genome's Hypergrowth Program is backing businesses that are ready to use AI to fuel their growth, proving that AI can be a force for good.

We know the journey isn’t simple, and there will be hurdles along the way. But the only way to get where we need to be is to engage, innovate, and push forward. AI offers us tremendous opportunities to solve problems we once thought unsolvable. Let’s seize those opportunities, not with hesitation, but with boldness, creativity, and a commitment to use AI to make the world a better place.

This issue is packed with insights, stories, and inspirations. Dive in, and let’s explore how we can use AI for good.


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