Focus on Alberta
Pacylex Pharmaceuticals: Pioneering a Path to Promising Cancer Therapies
-Michael Weickert: CEO
Pacylex Pharmaceuticals stands out as a beacon of innovation, poised to revolutionize cancer treatment options. It is pioneering an entirely new class of cancer fighting compounds, NMT inhibitors.
True Angle: Creating Patient-Centred Solutions to Critical Health Issues
-Jana Rieger: Co-Founder and CEO
Innovation in health technology often emerges from a convergence of diverse backgrounds and a keen understanding of patient needs. That’s exemplified by the founding of True Angle and its creation, Mobili-T, a technology designed to address a critical health issue.
Bio-Stream Diagnostics: Bringing Smarter, More Efficient Testing to You
-John Murphy: CEO
Bio-Stream brings lab quality medical test results into clinics and homes, leading to early detection and faster treatment.
Our tech uses advanced semiconductor materials and transistors designed to convert cell voltage into digital data – changing the economics of point of care and at home blood and urine testing.